The purpose of Agape Christian High School is to provide high school students a quality education without compromising the Word of God. This purpose calls for development in the following areas:
I. Spiritual:
• To present the basic tenets of Christianity.
• To educate students so that they are enabled to successfully integrate Christian philosophy, which includes: compassion, fairness, justice, mercy, generosity, and service
to others, into their lives.
• To teach students that there is an Absolute Truth and encourage them to be truth seekers
in all areas of their life.
II. Intellectual:
• To provide an academic climate conducive to learning.
• To encourage the learning of necessary skills for critical thinking and those that are required for meaningful participation in society as an adult.
• To nurture competency in communication and research skills in each student in order that
they may make mature and responsible decisions.
• To aid the home to help students in developing good study habits, in the ability and desire
to continue the learning process outside of school, and in being self-supporting as adults.
III. Social/Cultural:
• To provide students with opportunities for growth in social skills required for adequate interaction in a society that incorporates numerous world cultures. • To enable students to adequately understand and appreciate the privileges and responsibilities of living in a democracy.
IV. Physical:
• To provide opportunities for the growth in physical performance skills. • To provide opportunities for the learning of physical skills necessary to participate enjoyably in sports and other exercise activities.